YIN and YANG  – Cafeine and Calmness

YIN and YANG – Cafeine and Calmness

If you need the cafeine to get you going, you also need the antidote of calm and peace. For the price of two Starbucks treats, you give yourself access to a calming sleeping meditation, that will help you take off at night in no time!   ‘Oh Mariette, that was...
Insomnia solution with reflexology: a real life story

Insomnia solution with reflexology: a real life story

Julia McPherson is a reflexologist, working with different clients on different issues. She wrote a blog about reflexology, and in this text she presents a client who changed her sleeping pattern with help of reflexology techniques. If you want to have a tool...
Stress release with reflexology

Stress release with reflexology

Julia McPherson, complementary therapist, reflexologist, and founder of  Harmony Treatments, explains some of the backgrounds of reflexology and the benefits. Especially related to stress issues. Reflexology – it’s just a foot rub isn’t it? That’s a question I get...