Procrastination, the ultimate time waster, frustration builder and stress creator. Why do we do it to ourselves? What makes us sabotage our intentions and our chances on achievement and success?

Procrastination has nothing to do with a rational response, it is an emotional response.

The three basic reasons we procrastinate are:

  1. We don’t like what we have to do or it is upsetting. Subconsciously, we are conditioned to avoid pain, at all cost. We don’t want to feel uncomfortable, we want to feel good. Feeling good in the short term by avoiding the action creates pain in the long term.
  2. We are not inspired or motivated, because we don’t see clearly the benefit or the end result. When we lack a clear goal, it is much easier to postpone what needs doing.
  3. We are easily distracted, especially when you also are impulsive. A quick check of emails can lead to hours of browsing and ,,,,, the day is gone.

Once the day is gone we are left we the feeling of frustration, guilt and stress.  And try to make up for it with little white lies and promises to ourselves (I will do it tomorrow first thing).

What to do to stop procrastinating?

Two types of actions will work together to get yourself back on track:

    1. My 7 step action plan – a practical guidance to start now, read more
    2. Meditate – a regular practice has proven to change the brain. In one study, meditatiors showed a higher density in the nerve fibres in the cortex, which regulates behaviour. The higher density provides a greater number of brain signalling connections, and affected the ability to focus and be more alert. See below an example of just a 6 minutes practice, that you can easily  fit into your day. START NOW!
