Stress starts in the mind, but usually makes itself comfortable somewhere else in the body, like tense shoulders. It loves to occupy neck and shoulders and most of people who are suffering from stress also suffer from neck and shoulder pains. Like an octopus, stress happily  gets its tentacles all over. Tensing up muscles and crawling through the tissue making us uncomfortable, sometimes causing head aches and in general just irritation.

Meditation will help to relax your mind and your body, but there is not always time for a practice and it doesn’t suit everybody.

Stress is persistent and so are tense shoulders

Stress is quite persistent and once it has settled, it is difficult to get it out of your system. Of course a massage will help to relax tense shoulders, but there is not always time or budget for that. Also, it is an external solution, not one where you are in charge.

The video shows an very easy and effective exercise, that will give instant relief for tense shoulders. You can easily do it at your desk, in the train, standing, sitting….. Just one minute each side will make a huge difference.

Not only is stress causing discomfort in shoulders and neck, it is also the main cause of backpain. Apparently, 95% of complaints at the GP involve backpain, which shows you how much impact stress has on the body and the NHS budget.

Read more about this subject and get another exercise to reduce stress on this page.

If you are interested in applying meditation as another stress reduction tool, you can read more about the subject on this page:
