Help me, I just want to be a mum

‘I had been talking to a series of professionals about my miscarriages and difficulties of getting pregnant and hadn’t not made real progress. I was still very emotional, cried a lot of the time and life was very dark. I didn’t see light at the end of the tunnel. That has changed since seeing Mariette. We didn’t talk about the miscarriages much, or the option of IVF, but I discovered that the way I responded to difficult moments were connected with how I thought and felt about myself. I became a much stronger person.

Currently we are trying IVF and I know that I am able to deal with whatever the outcome is. It will not destroy me or my happiness if it is not successful.

Thank you Mariette, you changed my life.’

Elizabeth, 38, London

If you want to talk about your challenges with building a family, why not book a FREE Clarity Call to find out how I can help you? I would love to connect with you and help you to be at a better place.
