Recent studies at the university of Montreal, show that women cope less well with stress than man do.

Three worrying facts about the differences between man and women:

  1. Women exposed to stress, still respond with higher stress levels a day later
  2. Women’s recollection of bad news is very detailed
  3. Women are twice as likely to get diagnosed with generalised anxiety disorder


stresses woman  800px-woman_in_rage_20150628223948151 Speculative reasons for the findings:

  • Women are more empathic, as part of their natural drive to protect offspring, which has influenced the development of the female stress system;
  • Women are closely involved with lots of other people’s life;
  • Women are more ruminative and going over information time and again, will store it more effectively in the brain’s memory banks. This means that it is much harder to get ‘rid off’.

How can women benefit from these findings?

The value of this type of research, is that it serves as a warning system. Stress has a massive impact on our physical and mental health and by acknowledging susceptibility, we create an awareness and a stimulant to change our response to stress.

Preventative measures are key, especially when knowing that you are prone to it, which makes it all the more important.

Preventative de-stressing

  • Learn to de-stress regularly. If you prevent a huge build-up, you keep yourself save. One of the main de-stressors is mindfulness meditation, which only takes one minute at the time with the award winning stress management technique The Meditation Wave;
  • Avoid situations that create stress, like reading continuously bad news stories or talking a lot about negative things. Instead monitor the amount and make sure you alternate good and bad, positive and negative, with a stronger emphasis on the positive. ‘What you think of, becomes bigger’
  • If you are stressed and worried about a certain situation, don’t be passive but address it. Do a rational reality check: what is the current situation, what I can I do now to make it better or to prepare in a practical way? Take action if you can, if you can’t let go.

If you want to learn to de-stress, have a look at the calendar for workshops, the product section for downloads and online courses, or call Mariette (07967 717 131) for an appointment to talk it through.


