studystress cartoonThis was the title of an article in The Telegraph, about teenagers and their stress around exams. Some very sad stories about the struggle to cope with the pressure around education.
Test anxiety seems to be a common experience among students and has a debilitating effect on academic performance and general well-being of affected people.
The number of reported cases of severe stress amongst students in the UK is growing alarmingly.
Health professionals, GPs and counsellors are reporting increasing numbers of sixth formers requesting treatment for exam related stress and YoungMinds, a mental health charity, noted that 39% of their calls for help, were made by 16- and 17-year-olds, suffering from exam anxiety;
The principal of Queen Mary’s sixth-form college in Basingstoke, Stephen Sheedy, said he had seen a “significant” rise in the number of pupils on prescribed medication to tackle anxiety.(Read more).

What do parents or schools do about exam stress?

In most cases: nothing. Reason? Because they don’t know what to do. Never before was this issue so challenging and therefore most people would not know what to do about it.
Solution to learn ‘How to stop exam stress’Cover book

A new book, written by Dr Mariette Jansen, providing a series of tools and techniques that are aimed to reduce stress around study and exams. It is a course of 10 days that covers becoming aware of what triggers the stress, what is the current response, and how to make changes. With 24 exercises on offer and 6 mindfulness downloads there will be something for everybody.

’I did not think I would, but I actually enjoyed this book. The exercises were all very different and I learned a lot about myself. I never thought about those things, but now I do and I feel it really helps me to feel not stressed.’ Annie, 17, Surrey

To read more, click here
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Also available as a video course via Mer-ka-bah, click here