How to be less opinionated

how to be less opinionated

An opinion is a judgment, which stops you from being open-minded and limits your experiences. An opinion is a dead end road. Leading to unattainable obstacles, giving you frustration and pain. Without an opinion you become mindful, experience the moment just for what it is, in all its richness

Let me explain

Somewhere in the East at some moment in time in some little village lived a man who was known for his wisdom. This wise man one day won a car. All his family and friends came up to him and said: ‘You are soooooooo lucky’, and the wise man answered: ‘Is that so?’

He drove the car and got involved in an accident. He broke several bones and was hospitalised. All his family and friends came up to him and said: ‘You are soooooooo unlucky’, and the wise man answered: ‘Is that so?’

That same night there was a big storm in the area and the house of the wise man, which was built on a cliff, collapsed. All his family and friends came up to him and said: ‘You are soooooooo lucky’, and the wise man answered: ‘Is that so?’

This little story demonstrates how life is a continuous process of change and the same situation is judged by people within hours from one thing to the opposite. The interesting thing is that the situation itself hasn’t changed at all, the wise man is still in hospital, which people thought was unlucky, only to change their mind due to circumstances.

What is the point of an opinion?

In the opinion of the wise man, there is no point. That is why he observes his situation and stays away from judgment. He knows it doesn’t mean anything to be lucky or unlucky. And He doesn’t let his experience being clouded or narrowed. He is just mindful.

Being in the moment – mindfulness

The wise man has mastered to be ‘in the moment’, mindful of what is happening just now and oblivious to how he got where he is now. Eckhart Tolle, guru of ‘the now’, says about life: ‘Your life situation exists in time, but life itself only exists in the now. Your life situation is mind stuff’. The wise man only paid attention to the now and did not engage with life situations, as his family and friends did.

Tip to become more mindful

Become aware when you are opinionated, acknowledge it and then let go of your opinion. It will create a lot of space in your mind and in your heart.

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