Mariette has the skill to make me think about things I just took for granted. It was eye opening to be coached by her – Nigel, 57, Manchester

Are you one of many, who love watching rugby and rugby players? Lucky us then, with the world cup in full via freeimage

However,  it made me think about the attraction of seeing man beating each other up while TRYing to get a ball over the line….And, as a life coach in Surrey,  always looking for what makes us tick, I came up with the following three reasons, all tapping into our subconscious cave(wo)man stuff; reproduction, love and survival.Are you one of many, who love watching rugby? Lucky us then, with the six nations in full swing.

Honestly, you don’t love the game, you love the men and what they are representing. They are the picture perfect for:

1. Physical reproduction: strong and fit men, who fight their corners, are excellent material for reproduction. Subconsciously, women look for the ideal candidate to produce strong and healthy off spring. Physically, the rugby boys seem to be up for it….

2. Caring attitude: rugby is a technical sport aimed at a group performance. When a player is on the ground with the ball, immediately his team mates are hanging over him to protect him from the enemy. What is there not to like…….

3. Discipline: even though some rugby players are naughty boys when they are young, most of them turn out to be decent, disciplined and serious grown-up man. Solid and reliable……

The take-away of this message?

There is always more than meets the eye.

Of course rugby offers pleasure for the eye: you might like muscles, shirts, hairdo’s, fights, whatever takes your fancy, the sport offers some great views But, what really makes us girls tick, is the underlying, subconscious messages.

This story is just an example for all the other situations in life.  Whatever makes you unhappy or stressed, is most likely not what you think….. there is a deeper layer.  hiding in your subconscious filled with reasons and emotions.

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Meet Mariette
