how can bulimia be cured

How can bulimia be cured

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Every diet for weight loss failed

Charlotte came to see me, because she wanted to find out why she wasn’t able to stick to a life style that made her happier, healthier and slimmer. She had been trying to lose weight for years now and had come to understand that it wasn’t about ‘just doing it’, it was about ‘living it’, with heart and soul. And no matter what diet she tried, she regularly had binging sessions (bulimia) and then put on some weight that she had worked hard to lose.

While there are treatments and tactics for losing weight, if you can’t get your diet and mindset right, you’re always fighting a losing battle.

The first half of her first coaching session, she talked and talked, about planning food, cooking, how she managed to not eat a cake, what happened when she did eat a cake, and more and more. I stopped her there and explained that there was little point in talking through the practicalities of ‘just doing it’, as she had been doing that for the last 7 years with no results. She was here to find out the aspects related to the ‘living it’, developing a lifestyle that involved a healthy relationship with food and body.


Charlotte’s experience was similar to mine. Her sequence of binging and starving herself, are symptoms of bulimia. I have been a bulimic eater for over 20 years. Doing the same thing over and over again with the same results. Planning to break the cycle with a new diet or a planned fasting, with the only result that sooner or later, I would rebel and eat myself sick. This was making me feel desperate, worthless and a failure. And with every disappointment, I sank deeper into the mind set of a negative self-image.

Albert Einstein makes sense, with his definition of madness: ‘Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.’ I was mad and getting madder with every failed and new attempt.

Success is fuelled by the right mind set

Believing in yourself is the secret to success’ – Anthony Robbins

I would add another element: believing that you do it, that you have the power to take the action to create your success. And those actions are not just practical, they are also emotional.

Moving away from bulimia, or any eating disorder, is a combination of practical and emotional actions.

Grab your opportunity

If you are battling with food and if you recognise that you actually, deep down, don’t believe you can make the change, I am offering you a FREE Coaching Session to help you get a plan of action that will move you away from your bulimia. Click here to book your FREE session. I have been where you are right now, and I know how awful it is. Let me help you to get to a better place. There is nothing more I would love to do right now.

Interested to learn the three lessons that made you fail a diet? Order our FREE ebook here.

Life coaching Surrey for work-life balance, bulimia and stress

