YES, YES, YES that’s me, never able to say that other word….. Are you a chronic people pleaser? Are you desperate to gain other people’s approval? Are you neglecting your own needs? Making others happy through people pleasing can’t be bad, can it? Erin...
When it comes to stress, you’ve got to do everything in your power to reduce the amount you are under. There is a reason that stress is known as the silent killer, and it could be having a bigger impact on you than you think. But, some people feel as though even when...
Narcs aim to confuse, in order to control. They aim to spark and trigger you, in order for you to feel small, so they feel bigger. And when someone is a unit of one, they are much easier to control, then when they are part of a group. The narc will do anything to...
Narcs will use people for their benefits. It is never about you, it is always about them. When you are shining, they want you to shine your light on them, they will bask in it and make it all about them. They will never allow you to outshine them, so they take your...
‘Unspark The Narc’ Hints and Tips on How to deal with a Narc: click here to watch the series. Learn how to take the spark out of their nasty actions, keeping yourself safe and sane. Episode 1: I will suck you dry Narcs spark your upset in different ways....