30% of families have major rows on Xmas day

30% of families have major rows on Xmas day

Why is it, that we can’t keep the peace on what is supposed to be one of the greatest days of the year?  A study found that 30% of British families say that it takes less than 12 hours for an argument to occur on Christmas day. For 22% of people, these arguments are...

Weight loss from a different perspective

Weight loss is a topic that never leaves the lime light, which indicates that there is no solution for this recurring challenge. A recent study mentioned about 20% of ex-dieters were able to keep the weight off.  People with a tendency to have uncontrolled eating...
Women and careers: challenging according research

Women and careers: challenging according research

Most of us, women, will know it the hard way, which means, out of our own experience: it is tough to make it to the top. We all have our own experiences, successes and disappointments. Recent studies and surveys all present a picture of challenge in the corporate...
Relaxing with a cigarette? Nonsense

Relaxing with a cigarette? Nonsense

In an earlier blog post I  reported the news that if not smoking stresses you out, you might as well continue, because smoking 5 a day will give you the same chance on a heart problem as feeling stressed because you don’t smoke. Another research on that topic shows...