Three small and easy actions with a big impactworks-in-progress

The Law of Attraction start working when you have the intention AND take action. Recently  I came across  David Neagle,  who I find really inspirational. He wrote a book ‘The millions within’ and in this book he describes part of his journey and part of the actions he took to create a life of abundance. I haven’t  finished the book yet, but I wanted to share with you the first exercise he offers, which were the start of his life changes. As someone who likes to try new things, I took this exercise in my stride and can’t believe the impact.

I want you to know about it so you can have a go……..

The purpose of the exercise is to change your mind set. When you are negative, you create a field around yourself that is full of negativity and the Law of Attraction states that you will attract what you send out. In other words, negativity attracts negative experiences, which reinforces the negativity that was already there.

I would not think I am a negative person, but there are elements in my  life, which don’t make my heart sing and actually make me quite grumpy and moaning: house work. So I decided to apply this exercise to the dishwasher and the washing machine and all the activities around those.

The three suggestions that David Neagle makes are:

  • Pretend you absolutely love what you are doing
  • Treat everybody around you with respect
  • Do everything you do to the best of your abilities

This does not sound too complicated, does it? I started applying it to the dishwasher stuff: singing and dancing: oh what a beautiful clean plate,  I love it and I love putting it away, yabbadabbadoo! I did not moan at my family members, who never have been capable of putting their plates and glasses in the dishwasher, as they are all male J  and I made the effort to really do the job well.

The impact? A cleaner kitchen, but more importantly a happier me as this mentality seems to spill over to other areas. Even where I was already positive, it is only getting better.

Try it out for yourself and if you want to discover what I can do for you, to make you more in charge of your life,  why not have a chat? Just email me: and we can set a time in the diary.

