If you need the cafeine to get you going, you also need the antidote of calm and peace.

For the price of two Starbucks treats, you give yourself access to a calming sleeping meditation, that will help you take off at night in no time!


Oh Mariette, that was WONDERFUL!

I climbed into bed with a buzzing over-stimulated mind, and this short meditation quickly took me to a different place, where my mind was ‘stilled’ and I could feel the tension draining from my body as I relaxed into a deep and peaceful sleep.

Thank you, Christine Bainbridge’

For even less money, you can acquire a XMAS destresser, a 3 minute download for your phone. To help you calm down ‘on the go’. Three to choose from: planning, family and panic.

Try out the options and find your inner peace within minutes!

