For anyone who is employed, there are things you can do to improve your role. For any employer, it’s important to pay attention to the improvement of their employees role. It’s not something that any business should be ignoring because employees are critical to an organisation. They help keep the wheels turning and the money coming in.

It is a matter of cooperation: as an employer you can offer, as an employee, you can ask.

Here are five tips for improving an employee’s role.

To help anyone thrive within their role, training is a given. Every business should have a staff budget allocated towards training alone. It is a great way to gain helpful insights and learning experiences that will help build success in their role as well as within the business.

Think about what courses and training opportunities will fit the employee best. For example, those in IT service management may benefit from something like an ITIL 4 foundation course. For a digital team, courses in social media design may prove useful. As an employee, look around and ask if you have found a course of particular interes.

Regular 1-1 meetings

These type of meetings are important to keep employees on track of progress and objectives. It is also an opportunity to build rapport and trust.

If this is not offered to you, just request a meeting with your manager.

Concerns and solutions

Talking of employee’s happiness, when it comes to these meetings, discussions and concerns may crop up in conversation. As an employer, it’s very important to show concern and a willingness to help with anything they need assistance with.

Where there may be problems, identify solutions that will help alleviate the stress and hassle it may be causing the employee.


Many employees work hard for their employers but few employers reward their staff. As a result, top talent may end up leaving for greener pastures. Rewarding staff for their hard work is something that should be done regularly and where warranted.

If you feel undervalued, discuss that with your manager and be clear about what you are expecting.

Positive working environment

As a business, the working environment should aim to be encouraging and positive. Toxic environments never create great workers. Every single employee plays a role in the daily atmosphere and the employer should facilitate the external support for this. Chill-out corners, quality coffee, decent lunch breaks, informal get togethers and more.

Most people spend most of their time at work. Make it work for everyone by paying attention to those 5 factors: training, personal meetings, solution focussed attitude, rewards and a positive working environment.
