what would you do with money

What would you do with money? Its all about a positive mindset

Would you buy a house, a car, a holiday, a mink coat or all of these? Would you choose things that you really like or would you buy a shed in a ropy place, a car of a make you dislike, go on a holiday to the Norwegian fjords while you love the beach and buy that mink coat while you hate fur? Of course you wouldn’t. You would spend your money only on things you really love.

Let’s make a link with your thoughts. You have 50.000 thoughts a day, 350.000 a week. What do you spend your thoughts on? Your father, who you hate, your boss, who you despise, the friend who betrayed you, the mountain of debts that is building up, your insecurity, the diet you are currently doing and frustrated about? If every thought was worth a pound, you might spend your £350K on exactly what you don’t like. Wouldn’t you want to spend your mental energy only on things you really love?

Mike Dooley, a spiritual teacher, talks about how thoughts become things. If so, you better choose the good ones! Dr Wayne Dyer mentions how thoughts reflects your intentions and in The Secret (the law of attraction) it is pointed out that what you think of, you will attract.

What would you do with money

If you consider your thoughts as valuable as your pounds, it makes sense to use them in a positive way. Using them to increase your well-being and attract what you want in life. One of your daily habits that would increase health and well-being is gratitude. Scientific research has shown that people who practice gratitude on a daily basis are happier and are also more supportive of others. Read my blog on ‘the art of gratitude’.

Choose your thoughts wisely. When you have to think through a difficult scenario, spend time on it, come to a conclusion and then ‘close the case’. Don’t ruminate over the same thing again and again, but give yourself a compliment for using your thoughts wisely.

If you want to train your mind to create more positive and helpful thoughts, my latest book is just the thing for you. It’s called ‘Magical Me’ and it gives you a simple process to change your mindset. If you manage to follow the day-to-day action, which will take you no more than a minute, you might realise that ‘my life has so many good things, and I never realised until I did the Magical Me process. Thank you Mariette’. Click here to order.
