Manifest your dream year through meditation

Manifest your dream year through meditation

Most people like to lose some weight in the New Year, but if you are looking to be happier and less stressed, you should look to gain more. Not on your waistline, but in your brain. Meditation is a powerful tool to increase one’s happiness and well-being. Lots of...
How to become a positive person – from the inside out

How to become a positive person – from the inside out

The BBC programme Horizon presented a few years ago, the case of a man (medical journalist Michael Mosley) who requested to become a warmer and happier person and to sleep better, as he was suffering from insomnia for the last 20 years. In order to achieve his goals,...
Is stress causing your back pain?

Is stress causing your back pain?

Did you know that the most common reason people see a GP is a back problem? And did you know that the most common cause of this back problem is stress? Stress starts as a mental process; worrying thoughts, confusion, difficulty to think straight, which then leads to...
Coaching for chronic fatigue syndrome

Coaching for chronic fatigue syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome coach How I conquered my ME within three months…..               A story of the devastating effects of stress and the benefits of de-stressing Angela (not her real name for privacy reasons) had worked her whole life hard and conscientious and...