Meditations for mental health
Find your favourite meditations for mental health as a journey to explore, experience and enjoy
Meditation is key for mental health and I think it should be part of the curriculum in school as one of the main life skills. Unfortunately, lots of people have never been taught how to meditate and when you want to start, it can be very daunting. Considering the large number of different meditations on offer. Meditation is a personal practice and it is important to find the ones that suit you best. It could be the ‘topic’, voice, music, duration, visuals or anything else that makes you love a particular one or hate it.
This blog is to help you find your favourites, based on my own ones.
- What are the differences?
- What works best for me?
- Where do I find them?
I have compiled a list with 15 meditations I personally enjoy very much and I am sharing these with you to help you to discover which type or which meditator or which duration works best for you at this moment in time.
Commit yourself to 15 days of daily practice, so you give yourself the opportunity to notice the differences ‘before and after’.
Make note of the date and time, then add your comments so you can refer back to your earlier experiences. Keep using the meditations you enjoy most. Your practice needs to be a pleasure, not a chore 😊 but keep exploring and trying out new ones. That way it stays exciting, you feed your curiosity and you develop your skills.
White light meditation – 9 minutes
How did I feel during this meditation?
How did I feel afterwards?
Silva Method – 12 minutes
How did I feel during this meditation?
How did I feel afterwards?
Morning meditation – Lauren Ostrowski – 12 minutes
DAILY MORNING MEDITATION (with music) What happy people do in the first 10 of the morning – YouTube
How did I feel during this meditation?
How did I feel afterwards?
Chakra meditation – Jason Stephenson – 22 minutes
How did I feel during this meditation?
How did I feel afterwards?
Third eye meditation – 17 minutes
Third Eye Chakra Guided Meditation For Clear Mind and Clarity – YouTube
How did I feel during this meditation?
How did I feel afterwards?
Body scan – 30 minutes – Michael Saeley
How did I feel during this meditation?
How did I feel afterwards?
Silva Deep relaxation – 31 minutes
How did I feel during this meditation?
How did I feel afterwards?
Ho’oponopono – 35 minutes
How did I feel during this meditation?
How did I feel afterwards?
Release anxiety – The honest guys – 22 minutes
Guided Meditation: Relieve Anxiety, Clear Negativity, Release Worry. – YouTube
How did I feel during this meditation?
How did I feel afterwards?
Third eye meditation – 22 minutes
(15) Develop Intuition and Manifest Your Vision: Third Eye Chakra Balancing – YouTube
How did I feel during this meditation?
How did I feel afterwards?
Breathing meditation – Somatic – 29 minutes
(15) A Breath of Release | Somatic Meditation | Guided #Breathwork Meditation – YouTube
How did I feel during this meditation?
How did I feel afterwards?
Meditation to calm an overactive mind – 23 minutes
Meditation to Calm an Overactive Mind / Reduce Anxiety and Worry / Mindful Movement – YouTube
How did I feel during this meditation?
How did I feel afterwards?
Qigong meditation – 29 minutes
Seated Qigong and Guided Meditation – YouTube
How did I feel during this meditation?
How did I feel afterwards?
Breathing meditation 30 minutes – Caroline McCready
How did I feel during this meditation?
How did I feel afterwards?
Breathing meditation – Healing spirit – 32 minutes
Healing Spirit: Guided Meditation for Relaxation with Deep Breathing Exercises – YouTube How did I feel during this meditation?
How did I feel during this meditation?
How did I feel afterwards?
If you have done your 15 days and made notes, you will be able to find similar meditations on Youtube.
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