Let’s dump stuff and feel emotionally balanced

Let’s dump stuff and feel emotionally balanced

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Last week I saw a client, Nell, who was in a real state. Her job was on the brink as another reorganisation was announced. Should she take redundancy and enjoy a sabbatical? Her partner wasn’t well and they were waiting for the diagnosis....
7 steps to stop emotional eating

7 steps to stop emotional eating

We all have these days when nothing goes our way: client is not happy, date is cancelled, weather is grey, hormones are playing up and it leaves you feeling low, deprived, restless. But there is a glimmer on the horizon: the glimmer of the biscuit tin, the chocolate...
How to declutter

How to declutter

We all have heard stuff about decluttering and how a decluttered house represents a decluttered mind; how holding onto clutter represents attachments and how neat- and tidiness stands for control. But is it true? Michelle has been living all her life in a mess; people...
Manifest your dream year through meditation

Manifest your dream year through meditation

Most people like to lose some weight in the New Year, but if you are looking to be happier and less stressed, you should look to gain more. Not on your waistline, but in your brain. Meditation is a powerful tool to increase one’s happiness and well-being. Lots of...