Press Release: From Victim to Victor: “Narcissism Survival Guide” Becomes Amazon Bestseller and receives an award
Written by Dr Mariette Jansen not only from her expertise as a psychotherapist and life coach but as someone who suffered narcissistic abuse from her mother for almost sixty years, ‘From Victim to Victor: Narcissism Survival Guide’ is exactly what it says on the...
How a narcissist makes their victims become like them
A narcissist is aiming to crush the personality of their victim. They don’t want people around them who are critical, opinionated or in any way in the frame of mind to challenge them. They want their victim to feed them the Narcissistic Supply, which means they get...
7 typical text messages from a narcissist
In this article, you will discover 7 typical text messages from a narcissist, why they use this type of communication and how it can affect you. Narcissists aim to unsettle their victims in all sort of ways and text messaging is an excellent tool for that. It offers...
Narcissism explained in a fairy tale
Narcissism explained in a fairy tale: 'The throne, the queen and the polishers' Once upon a time, there was a girl who thought she was the one who deserved the best. Always. She also decided to make it her life purpose to get the best, even if it was at the expense of...
The difference between self-love and self-care
Self-love vs self-care Agnes was not happy. Over the years she had read loads of self-help books – working on her ‘shelf’-development – and also went through a few therapists. She knew exactly what she needed. It was loving herself. The problem was that she didn’t...
Why I wrote ‘From Victim to Victor’
Book on overcoming narcissism On 21 June 2020 (solstice), I launched my book ‘From Victim to Victor’, the narcissism survival guide. And below I started my speech by explaining what the bird on the cover symbolized for me: freedom. ‘The bird in the cage has managed to...
My narcissistic mother is a nasty piece
I am the daughter of a narcissist. Narcissists are not just unpleasant. There is a lot more to them. They are nasty. Unfortunately, there are a lot of narcissists around and some of them are really clever at hiding how unpleasant they are. When they want to make a...
Why a narcissist is an excellent salesperson
Have you ever come across a narcissistic salesperson? One that doesn’t let you go? Who came up with another reason why you should buy? And who didn’t really listen to what you had to say? But went on and on and on and on… And maybe you even bought from them. Got so...
7 signs you are in a narcissistic relationship
Are you in a narcissistic relationship? If you are in doubt, check out the 7 signs below. Be as honest as you can. Don't make excuses for your partner, just look at the facts. 1. Overwhelmingly romantic and quick As narcissists are very good at presenting themselves...
Hope and fear are the leftovers of a narcissistic relationship
Familiar feelings die hard. And I only realised how much fear and hope had settled into my system when I was about to return to a familiar setting. My mother is a nasty piece of work – she suffers from a Narcissistic Personality Disorder and it is has been very...
Negotiating with the narcissist: top 5 tips
Narcissists are great communicators when it comes to defending themselves. But they are pants when it comes to interactive, respectful and positive communication because that requires empathy, consideration of other viewpoints and possibly compromises. None of which...
What is a narcissist? The 5 main characteristics
How to tell if someone is narcissistic Narcissists present themselves through a mask of a grandiosity and confidence to hide their low self-esteem and fragile ego. In order to feel good about themselves, they need external validation and manipulate and control other...
It’s not the bite that kills, it is the poison it leaves behind
Separating emotions from facts Can you be upset about simple things for a long time? Do you go over and over the same events? Is it difficult to step away? ‘It is not the snake bite that kills you, it is the poison it leaves behind.’ One of the statements being used...
How to overcome narcissistic trauma
Narcissist childhood trauma Firstly, Each person is unique, incredible, with their own specific way of dealing with the world. Some choose a way that makes them happy, others go into a direction that is making them negative or sad. In other words we all have the...
How to recognise a narcissistic mother
Narcissistic mothers can easily damage your happiness. Mothers have an enormous influence on the development and happiness of their children. A primary relationship that can make or break a person. Luckily, the damage that is done in childhood can be repaired, through...
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