How a mother prevents her daughter a place at Wimbledon
Elenor is a 29-year-old woman, who is very upset about the relationship with her mum. ‘I always tried to do my best, I crave a compliment from her...
The incredible impact of blaming
‘It is not fair. Not after all I did. I don’t deserve it. How can they do this to me? It is out of my control. Nothing I can do about it. I feel...
Sexual harassment at work and how to deal with it
How to stop sexual harassment at work Esther is the victim of sexual harassment at work. This is what she told me: 'I am on sick leave for 3 months...
More people are suffering from anxiety than from depression
According to a report from the University of Cambridge report. More than 8 million people in the UK suffer some sort of anxiety disorder and women...
What can I do to reduce anxiety?
Simply apply Mariette Jansen's SMS (Soften My Shoulders) technique There is a strong mind-body connection regarding stress and anxiety. And one of...
Stress, fear, anxiety, panic attacks and panic disorder
What is panic attack disorder Panic attacks were keeping me at home. Your sessions have changed my life. What exactly are the differences? Stress:...
Award winning Mariette’s One Minute Meditation
‘Meditation with a Western flavour’ is the concept of mindfulness meditation for busy people with a hectic lifestyle, like you and me. It is aimed...
Why is change so difficult? Three reasons
'The only constant in life is change'. (Heraclitus, a Greek philosopher) Anxiety, sadness and pressure are all part of the process of change and...
A matter of life and death: breathing benefits
Breathing is what determines life or death. The one and the only action you need to take to stay alive. The first breath of a baby, usually a big...
Decluttering is an art
Best decluttering tips Decluttering is an emotional process. That is why most of us find it hard. Decluttering results in peace and quiet: in your...
How to declutter
We all have heard stuff about decluttering and how a decluttered house represents a decluttered mind; how holding onto clutter represents...
Exercise, a topper for de-stressing
Exercise to combat stress Exercise as a Way to De-Stress The link between exercise and stress relief, fighting disease and physical improvement has...
How to fight back from a panic attack in 6 steps
Nearly 5% of the population in the UK is suffering from anxiety, and just over 1% has reported an anxiety disorder, according to Mind, the...
Is stress causing your back pain?
Did you know that the most common reason people see a GP is a back problem? And did you know that the most common cause of this back problem is...
How to say NO by saying YES with confidence
How to say no in a nice way The title of this blog is a bit misleading, as this is not about saying NO, but about saying YES. Lots of self-help...
What to revamp in order to get your optimal work-life balance?
Creating a healthy work-life balance is about detail. It is not about a general moan that ‘things are not working out’ or ‘not having enough time,...
How tinnitus became a background noise instead of a scream
Tinnitus is the name for hearing noises that are not caused by an outside source. It's not usually a sign of any serious conditions and generally...
Three reasons to practice a body scan meditation
The practice of the body scan is a way of relaxing the body. By focussing on different parts of the body and trying to let go of tension, it is easy...
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