Tips (Mollie’s Wisdom)

Five Tips To Help You Become Debt Free

Five Tips To Help You Become Debt Free

You don't have to live your whole life in debt. In fact, you can get out of the hole you're in, pay off your debts, have more money left, and even save for the future. Once you are in control of your debts and finances, you can feel more ready to grow your money and...

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Three Books to Improve Your Self-Acceptance

Three Books to Improve Your Self-Acceptance

The notion of self in the modern world is often one people get confused about. What is one's self? Is it the version of you that you project to the world or the you inside? How often have you noted someone's behaviour, only for them to say 'but that's not me'. Is it...

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Improving Your Communication Skills

Improving Your Communication Skills

Communication skills are essential for anyone to make their way through life. We communicate with others most of the time. Whether that’s friends, family, partners, colleagues, customer support staff, strangers or anyone else. You need to be able to communicate well...

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