Getting frustrated in an argument but don’t know why?
If you feel often misunderstood and are left frustrated, irritated and angry after an argument or discussion, find your answer below. How a phone call made me want to bash my head against the wall A few years ago, there was a very exciting final at Wimbledon – Andy...
How a positive mindset can easily work against you
The power of positive thinking works both ways: in favour and against you. Studies by the Society for the Study of Motivation warn against the negative impact of positive thinking. Surprised? Thinking positively can make you feel demotivated to take action (why would...
Can your lockdown perspective change your lockdown experience
Challenging lockdowns never seem to stop these days. Who isn’t fed up with non-existing social life? Or bored with still trying to catch up with decluttering, while charity shops and the tip are closed? Are you preparing for the next stage of life or just feel hanging...
2021 A New Dawn according to astrology
2020 has been a year full of surprises, discoveries and learning. No one could have anticipated what happened in the year we are about to leave behind. Was it a bad year, a good one? I hate talking about good, bad, positive and negative as it is too judgmental and we...
Education on narcissism via Expert Profile Magazine
Narcissistic abuse recovery coach When I was asked to be interviewed and tell 'your story' for the edition of Inspirational Stories' in the winter edition of Expert Profiles, I didn't think for one moment and said YES. It is important for me to educate others about...
7 unexpected benefits from decluttering
Predicted benefits of decluttering are empty shelves and spaces, but it is incredible how it impacted my mindset, habits and how I deal with life. Would you like to know how changing habits can be easy and fun? How often the pay-off of a new habit is more than you...
Why it’s good to know yourself
Knowing yourself better leads to a happier life One of the main factors of happiness is being at ease with yourself and accepting yourself for who you are. Plus of course, developing a loving relationship with yourself. The main person in your life is you. And the...
Why can’t I stick to my goals?
Sticking to goals and making changes is hard. The hardwired system of the old habits kicks in and gets you off track. You will feel down, a failure and possibly desperate when it happens. Again. And again. You are not alone when it comes to not sticking to goals....
5 effective steps to stop feeling overwhelmed: grab, dump, stuff, shut and only open for action
Overwhelm is caused by a particular pattern of worry and stress and it is helpful to understand how you can stop it. There is a simple process of 5 steps, which guaranteed will lead you into calm waters. Nell was in a real state. Her job was on the brink as another...
How to say no and build your confidence
Having the Confidence to Say No If you can’t say no, using the excuse that ‘that is just who you are’, you might be just running away from confrontations or feeling fear for being judged by other people. Both situations reflect a low level of confidence and...
The Importance of Rowing Your Own Boat and Leading Your Own Life
Make your own life choices Above all, Have you ever wondered how much are you influenced by others or by ideas that you picked up along the way? Have you been limited by it or empowered? ‘Grace is lovely’ ‘It's so nice’ ‘Grace is so easy’ Grace was always on the...
How high performers take confidently control
Living life on autopilot Do you fly through your days? No time to think or make decisions? Action after action? Living life on autopilot Vera was a busy bee. One of these ladies you would phone if something needed to happen. ‘Ask a busy person and it will get done.’...
How to make the right decision with confidence?
Self confidence in decision making The right and confident decisions always come from a place of inspiration, not of desperation Rosie woke up on Monday morning. Determined to leave her partner. The weekend was awful and she had enough. On Tuesday she told herself it...
How ‘facing the fear’ adds to resilience
Resilience is a set of skills that will help you through adversity and uncertain times. Being flexible, able to adapt without losing sight of what is important to you and keeping a positive mindset is the pay-off of resilience. Fear is the acronym for Future...
How to change a negative mindset into a positive one
How to change your mindset from negative to positive Negativity is a low vibrational energy. It doesn’t contribute to happiness, lightness and joy. How can you spot negativity? Last week I overheard a conversation from my neighbour’s balcony between two friends, Penny...
Why you focus more on understanding someone else than understanding yourself
Trying to understand others instead of understanding yourself is often an avoidance strategy to keep yourself safe. Safe from pain, confrontations and having to deal with difficult issues. It also offers a sense of security, being able to predict other’s behaviour....
Positive Attitude Start of your day
From a distance, I heard an alarm. It kept going and then I realised it was mine. I wasn’t with it. Still tired and sleepy. From the warmth and cosiness of my duvet, I reached out to push the snooze button. Mollie, my DDD (darling daughter dog) was snuggled up with...
Is happiness possible in times of Corona stress?
Esme was driving in her car to work. Crying her eyes out. Her head was pounding and heavy, her nose red and swollen and her sinuses full of yak. It was good she wore sunglasses, so she could pretend to be more or less ‘normal’. She wasn’t of course. The night before...
Six easy ways to deal with Corona Covid-19 stress
Top ways to deal with stress Interesting times, where we are thrown around in uncertainty. And no one can escape. No money, location, job title or importance can keep you safe. It all comes down to washing hands, keeping a distance, accept, love and trust. It might...
Three easy mindfulness practices for children
Mindfulness practice for children Mindfulness practice promotes mental health for kids and teenagers Growing up is a stressful experience. Hardships is part of life, from the moment you are born. Just the process of birth alone can be extremely traumatic. Babies get...
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